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Campaign Middle East - DOOH you read me? Experts dissect the good, the bad, and the …

Beyond a dynamic, flexible, scalable, insight-focused, analytics-based, and precise targeted approach, DOOH is also revolutionising requirements for creativity, attention, and engagement. So, what’s the catch?

The drive towards DOOH (digital-out-of-home) is only getting busier by the day.

Unlike static OOH ads, the digital sibling, which promises a more dynamic, flexible, scalable, measurement-focused, analytics-based, and a precise targeted approach is gaining traction on the tarmac.

Niall Sallam, CEO of Elevision, said, “Real-time data and content updating capabilities enable brands to act on current trends and campaign performance, further refining their campaigns to capture and retain viewer attention more effectively than traditional static ads.”

Backlite Media’s COO James Harrison said, “Out-of-home ads utilise mobile device detection, sensors, and cameras to collect precise data on foot traffic and viewer engagement. This makes the data less susceptible to manipulation and provides a more accurate measure of ad performance. Advanced tools and third-party auditors ensure transparency and verification, confirming that ads are displayed in the specified locations and at the agreed-upon times.”

Beyond enhanced and impactful campaign performance through programmatic, DOOH is also squeezing the best out of marketers and advertisers by revolutionising requirements for creativity, attention, and engagement.

“The world of creative opportunities with DOOH is limitless with interactive features like QR codes, augmented reality experiences, as well as social media and brand activation integrations. These features enhance consumer interaction and experience, allowing for more immersive and engaging content,” Elevision’s Niall Sallam added.

BackLite Media’s James Harrison, echoed the sentiment saying, “Leveraging dynamic content that responds to real-time data like weather and local events, DOOH ensures advertisements are highly relevant and captivating. DOOH is setting a new standard in marketing by attracting, engaging, and leaving a lasting impression on its audience. Strategically placed in high-visibility locations, DOOH ads effortlessly capture attention. Personalising content using audience data makes these advertisements more memorable and impactful.”

James Harrison, Chief Operating Officer, BackLite Media DOOH
James Harrison, COO, BackLite Media

However, this creativity that captures attention comes with a rider: they must find a way to be more engaging and garner impressions without being overly distracting

Campaign Middle East spoke to Dr Abdullah Al-Shwaikh from the Outdoor Media Office, OOH Section at the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure, UAE, who said, “Let us talk about the biggest challenge faced by highways in dealing with digital advertisements, which is an awareness challenge related to the extent of advertisers’ commitment to and awareness of the safety conditions related to outdoor advertising.”

He explained, “On highways, where speeds typically exceed 120 km per hour, the technical conditions related to the size of the text, the colours used, and the speed of the advertisement display change. This is something that those working in the field need to pay attention to. There is no objection to the existence of digital billboards, but they must comply with the specifications to avoid causing any distraction to drivers and road users.”

That said, DOOH still makes its own case in terms of ROI and brand values.

While initial investments in digital infrastructure are higher, the long-term cost efficiency is significant. DOOH reduces the need for physical materials and labour associated with installing and rotating traditional billboards, resulting in lower operational costs.

In tandem, the shift to DOOH supports sustainability goals by reducing the carbon footprint of advertisements. Digital ads eliminate the need for printing and transportation of physical materials and offer quicker and more eco-friendly ways to update content.

Dr Abdullah Al-Shwaikh from the Outdoor Media Office, OOH Section at the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure, UAE DOOH
Dr Abdullah Al-Shwaikh from the Outdoor Media Office, OOH Section at the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure, UAE

Dr. Abdullah Al-Shwaikh added, “This includes less printing, fewer papers, reduced presence of equipment and machinery for billboard replacement, faster maintenance, among other benefits. I believe that with the decrease in the prices of digital billboards to less than $1,500 per square metre, more than 70 per cent of our billboards will be converted to digital billboards by the end of 2025.”

Clearly, OOH is transitioning towards DOOH, so much so that digital is set to capture 75 per cent of the OOH advertising market by 2027, according to IAB Compass findings.

Bill Fordyce, Chief Operating Officer – Media, ELAN Group, said, “The trends in OOH with launching new creative and dynamic campaigns has been positive over the past several years, with banks, QSRs, retail and automotive being the biggest users of dynamic campaigns. Digital now makes up more than 50 per cent of Elan Media’s overall revenue and continues to grow as we install new signs in the market and get new advertisers to spend on OOH.”

Elevision’s Niall Sallam, added, “This summer has been our busiest one yet across all networks, with a 30 per cent year-on-year growth from June last year, highlighting the significant growth of DOOH advertising in 2024. Advancements in programmatic buying and enhanced data analytics are driving more targeted and effective campaigns, further contributing to this upward trend.”

Bill Fordyce, Chief Operating Officer – Media, ELAN Group
Bill Fordyce, Chief Operating Officer – Media, ELAN Group

So, what could possibly deter this acceleration towards DOOH? While the medium is not as vulnerable to bots, it’s not completely free of malicious attacks either.

Dr Abdullah Al-Shwaikh cautioned, “A few days before this interview, there was a particular incident in Egypt that was covered by the media, where a group successfully took control of several billboards and displayed some ideas that opposed the official direction, much like the film ‘The Hunger Games’.”

He added, “Yes, we know that with every new technology, there are those who exploit the ‘immaturity’ of the system, so to speak. However, over time, matters, legislations, systems, and the security of systems develop to avoid negatives and risks. I believe there will be more secure systems in the future who will play a role in monitoring and maintaining the security of outdoor billboards, overseeing them, and setting up appropriate protective regulations for them. In the end, security is indivisible, and we should be grateful that we live in the safest country in the world on all levels.”

Niall Sallam, CEO of Elevision DOOH
Niall Sallam, CEO of Elevision

To take the conversation forward, Campaign Middle East also asked leaders about DOOH was addressing ad fraud – the act of delivering fake ad impressions, which seems to have skyrocketed over the past few years.

Elevision’s Niall Sallam said, “DOOH is combating ad fraud through the use of sophisticated technologies and transparent reporting systems. From attending various conferences this year, it is evident that collaborations between advertisers and tech companies are increasingly fostering a more secure and trustworthy advertising environment, significantly reducing the prevalence of fake ad impressions and other key metrics.”

Backlite Media’s James Harrison added, “DOOH programmatic platforms implement strict protocols and security measures to prevent fraud. These measures ensure that the ad inventory is genuine and that all transactions are transparent and traceable, enhancing the reliability and effectiveness of the advertising medium.”

Beyond preventing ad fraud, which digital ads are also working on, digital out-of-home has claimed bragging rights due to the lack of a ‘third party cookie on-off option’, as well as not being susceptible to skippable ads, ad blockers, or consumers simply scrolling past the digital ads … but we’ll get into the DOOH versus digital conversation another day.

All things considered, the future of DOOH still seem bright. Offering novel opportunities for creative storytelling informed by hard data, highly targeted advertising, while also creating avenues for climate-conscious, contextual, and purpose-driven advertising with real-time engagement, it is now setting new standards within a rapidly evolving region.

Out of Home hits $41.9n USD, 5.2% of global adex. $45.3bn forecast for 2024

The 2024 WOO Expenditure survey captures expenditure globally for OOH across 2023 and give estimates of OOH expenditure for 2024. It is conducted by the use of a short form questionnaire to WOO members and OOH associations across the world and represents the most comprehensive survey of OOH expenditure globally.

Building on data for each year back to 2019, the WOO Global Expenditure survey allows us to track the effect of and recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic alongside local economic conditions and the investment into DOOH as it drives growth for OOH globally. Understanding these drivers of growth in particular markets allows WOO members and OOH Trade Associations to look to other markets for learnings to drive growth in their own markets.

The 2024 survey was completed by 109 members, covering 85 unique territories – collectively representing 95% of global GDP and 78% of global population. Unreported territories are modelled from similar territories based on population and GDP per capita where possible, or are excluded from the study.

Global OOH Spend in 2023 reached $41.9bn USD and represented 5,2% of global ADEX – breaking through the $40bn barrier, the 5% barrier and eclipsing the 2019 revenue figure of $36.3bn. OOH spend is forecast to grow to $45.3bn USD in 2024.

Regionally APAC dominates with almost half of global OOH spend at $20.2bn across 40% of global GDP. Europe reports $10.3bn revenue, 25% of the total in line with its share of global GDP. North America ($9.4bn), LATAM ($1.3bn) and Africa ($0.7bn) track behind their share of GDP - although expenditure reporting in Africa is more challenging and is likely to be under-reporting much of the informal economy.

Global DOOH expenditure rose to $16.7bn USD in 2023 representing almost 37% of all OOH revenues and remains the main driver of OOH revenue growth globally.

Investment in DOOH infrastructure varies across the world with Europe ahead of the global average at 39.2%, APAC just under the average at 36.1% North America at 32.9% , LATAM at 31% and Africa at 20.1% of total OOH revenues.

The ‘headroom’ for growth in DOOH is exemplified by territories that have invested heavily in DOOH screens – of the top 10 markets by overall OOH volume: Australia (76% of OOH revenue), UK (65%), Germany (41%), China (40%) and South Korea (40%); lead the way in driving growth through DOOH.

Programmatically traded DOOH grew to a reported total spend of $1.2bn USD globally, representing 8.1% of total DOOH revenues. Although this data is not captured commonly across all markets so may be under representative of the total revenue traded this way. We anticipate significant growth to this figure in the 2025 report through a combination of increasing market adoption and more comprehensive reporting programmatically traded revenue.

The World Out of Home Organization’s Global Expenditure Survey is only possible through the collaboration of our members from across the world, and we thank our membership for their contributions to this survey. Additional geographical granularity and data spanning from 2019-2024 is available to our members via the members area of our website.

Campaign Middle East - The rise of Programmatic DOOH in UAE’s advertising landscape

In recent years, the advertising industry in the UAE has witnessed a significant transformation with the advent of Programmatic Digital Out-of-Home (PrDOOH) advertising.

This dynamic approach to DOOH advertising has revolutionised how brands connect with their target audience, providing advertisers unprecedented flexibility and targeting capabilities.

BackLite Media’s roadshow: Educating brands and agencies about PrDOOH

BackLite Media has been instrumental in driving the region’s awareness and adoption of PrDOOH. We initiated a comprehensive roadshow, collaborating with brands and agencies to educate them about its power and flexibility.

Through interactive workshops, seminars, and demonstrations, we showcased how PrDOOH can enhance campaign performance, drive engagement, and unlock new possibilities for brands in the digital age. This proactive approach has empowered brands to leverage the full potential of PrDOOH advertising strategies.

Our growing PrDOOH ecosystem

Notable campaigns hosted by BackLite Media

BackLite’s DOOH inventory offers 300+ digital screens in the UAE to help advertisers reach their target audience in diverse locations and contexts.

We have hosted many successful campaigns for esteemed brands, leveraging the power of PrDOOH to deliver impactful advertising.

Some notable campaigns include collaborations with First Abu Dhabi Bank (FAB), Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank (ADCB), MSI, Intercontinental Hotel Group (IHG), Tumi, and other well-known brands.

These campaigns have demonstrated the effectiveness of PrDOOH in driving brand visibility, engagement, and conversion.

BackLite Media has facilitated memorable and impactful brand experiences for its clients by harnessing data- driven targeting, creative optimisation, and real-time insights.

In conclusion, PrDOOH represents a paradigm shift in the UAE’s advertising landscape, offering opportunities for brands and advertisers to connect with their audience meaningfully.

Our commitment to innovation, education, and collaboration has positioned it as a leader in driving the growth and evolution of PrDOOH, shaping the future of OOH advertising in the digital era.

SpotLite 2.0 - CEO's Remarks

Dear Readers,

In an era dominated by digital platforms and the privacy concerns that come with it, Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising has become a more prominent and credible medium. OOH surrounds audiences in their everyday environment, reaching them when they are close to the point of sale and less distracted by other media.

The UAE’s OOH market continues to thrive, with a staggering 12% year-on-year growth, showcasing our industry’s resilience and adaptability. At BackLite Media, we are proud to be at the forefront of this evolution, pioneering innovations that redefine how brands connect with their audiences.

In the realm of Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) and Programmatic DOOH (PrDOOH), we stand out as trend-setters, harnessing the power of technology to deliver targeted, data-driven campaigns. Our commitment to data integration has increased campaign effectiveness, highlighting the impact of strategic insights on driving results.

Experiential marketing remains a cornerstone of our approach, with immersive campaigns that captivate audiences and drive engagement at UAE’s most famous malls and destinations like The Galleria Al Maryah Island and Al Qana. Our collaborations with leading brands have seen a significant uplift in brand recall, showcasing the power of memorable brand-building experiences.

Partnerships lie at the heart of our success story. This year’s highlight has been our acquisition by Multiply Group, propelling us towards extended reach and accelerated growth. We are poised to unlock new opportunities, expand our footprint, and deliver unparalleled value to our clients and partners.

As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of OOH, one thing remains constant – our unwavering commitment to innovation, creativity, and excellence. We invite you to join us on this journey as we continue to illuminate the world with impactful campaigns and transformative experiences.

World Out Of Home Organization’s European Regional Forum 2024

The World Out of Home Organization is to hold its first in-person European Regional Forum in Milan from November 4-6.

This comes at a time when according to WOO’s latest Global Expenditure Survey, Europe has overtaken North America in terms of size of market by revenue, reflecting its position as the test bed for many of the most exciting developments and innovations in the industry, especially in rapidly-growing digital Out of Home (DOOH.)

This too, is reflected in the increasingly dynamic Italian OOH market making Milan the perfect venue for this Europe Forum.

WOO’s very first Regional Forum was online from London in 2021 and since then the Organization has held in-person Forums in South Africa, Bali, Dubai and Malaysia plus highly successful Annual Congresses in Toronto, Lisbon and Hong Kong.

WOO President Tom Goddard says: “It’s easy to take for granted,  the huge contribution Europe has made and is making to the strong growth of OOH in the global market as we also focus on Asia and regions further afield.

“The outlook for OOH in Europe is buoyant despite the various geopolitical issues and overtaking North America by value is a major achievement and step forward for the global industry as we clear the 5% of global ADEX hurdle and head towards an even brighter future. Milan will be an unmissable celebration of an industry in fine form.”

Lay's unveils a flavour explosion on BackLite Billboards

Lay's entices snack lovers in Dubai with its all-new package redesign and irresistible flavors on our billboards! The brand has taken over our unipole with a campaign that reaches a new level of creativity. With a flavour explosion that jumps out of the billboard, this campaign is eye-catching and truly irresistible.

The campaign was executed in collaboration with OMD UAE and PepsiCo for the launch of the “Best Ever Lay’s” (truly is!)

Thank you to Nour El Dakdouki and OMD MENA for their continued support and trust in our company, and we look forward to collaborating with you on many more creative campaigns.

Get ready to be wowed by Lay's delicious display as you drive down Sheikh Zayed Road in Dubai!

Campaign Middle East - BackLite reveals strategy behind slick Jimmy Choo campaign

BackLite Media has shared the “strategy behind the story” of Jimmy Choo’s summer campaign, promoting its summer eyewear collection. The campaign, which ran for nearly a month from June to July 2024, leveraged high-impact advertising spaces within BackLite’s Digital Icons network. It explicitly targeted screens near Downtown Dubai en route to Dubai Mall and Umm Suqeim Road, making it an effective drive-to-store campaign for the brand.

“These locations were selected for their visibility, effectively capturing the attention of Jimmy Choo’s target demographic, affluent shoppers, and reaching millions of passersby,” James Bicknell, CEO of BackLite Media, told Campaign Middle East.

With the capability to deliver approximately 45 million impressions monthly, this campaign ensured widespread visibility for the brand.

Speaking about the strategy behind the campaign, BackLite revealed the transition from traditional static billboards to dynamic digital screens, marking a new era in content delivery that empowers advertisers with real-time updates, flexibility, and standout campaigns in the UAE.

James said,Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) media is on the verge of transforming the OOH industry. As media moves toward a screen-based environment tied to data and technology, criteria like time, content, and contextual relevance have become the new pillars of OOH media placement.”

BackLite Media Jimmy Choo campaign

“With web browsers and apps increasingly blocking cookies, ad spend is shifting to the DOOH sector more quickly than expected. Marketers now see DOOH as a more respected medium for engaging consumers in meaningful and conversational ways,” he added.

BackLite Media’s integration with cutting-edge technologies, such as live data feeds and location-based services, allows the company to target audiences and deliver contextually relevant content on the Digital Icons network.

In a market moving towards measurement and performance, BackLite has stayed ahead of the curve.

James said, “We recognise that more than digitisation is needed. To truly excel, we’ve incorporated data into our strategy, providing clients with comprehensive reports highlighting metrics such as playouts, impressions, reach, and frequency, enabling them to make informed decisions and maximise their impact.”

“We offer detailed reports encompassing these metrics by partnering with Seventh Decimal and Admobilize. Seventh, Decimal’s pre-campaign planning tool assesses location performance, allowing us to recommend specific sites based on campaign objectives. We close the loop by providing post-campaign reports to help clients understand their campaign performance,” he added.

BackLite also collaborated with Media Agency Group on the campaign.

Campaign Middle East - We can DOOH more with data

We have observed a digital trend worldwide, which is also unfolding here. Through a market assessment and a deep understanding of the environmental factors, we have successfully installed industry-leading Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) screens capable of withstanding even the harshest conditions.

However, we recognise that digitisation alone isn’t enough. Hence, we’ve embedded data into our strategy. By partnering with Seventh Decimal and Admobilize, we can provide our clients with detailed reports encompassing play outs, impressions, reach, and frequency metrics.

We believe in harnessing the power of technology and Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) advertising to create exceptional experiences. This approach is reflected in our recent campaign for Amazon Prime Video at Dubai Festival City Mall. The Prime Video and Amazon Studios’ campaign for ‘Citadel’ fascinated mall visitors with its innovative use of technology.

The campaign dynamically identified and tracked hand movements in real-time by leveraging advanced hand detection and gesture recognition technology. This feature transformed the campaign artwork seamlessly, resulting in an immersive and interactive experience that delighted visitors. And it took home the Silver at the recent MMA Global Smarties MENA Awards 2024 in the DOOH category.

The evolving needs of our clients reflect a shift towards data-driven and results-oriented solutions. They seek improved audience targeting capabilities to ensure their messages resonate with the right individuals at the right moment.

This growing demand has spurred the emergence of Programmatic Digital Out-of-Home (PrDOOH), offering efficiency and flexibility to optimise campaigns on the fly. In pursuing PrDOOH excellence, we’ve established an ecosystem, BackLite 360, that seamlessly integrates comprehensive data sources and solutions. This enables us to cater to our clients at every stage of the marketing funnel, delivering targeted content with precision.

When discussing technology in this context, it’s impossible to ignore the pivotal role of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Its presence is not just a concept but a tangible reality within the OOH sector.

Through platforms like AdMobilize and Neurons, AI is revolutionising how we predict traffic flows, analyse content for enhanced creativity, and gauge real-time attention through eye tracking.

Integrating new technologies with OOH will propell the industry forward and revolutionise its landscape. The impact has been profound, from harnessing the power of data and AI to the advancements in LED screen technology.

2025 World Out of Home Organization Global Congress heads for Mexico City (Down Mexico Way)

The 2025 World Out of Home Annual Congress will be held in Mexico City from June 4th to 6th. This is the first time the WOO Annual Congress has been held in Latin America and follows the highly successful WOO Annual Congress in Hong Kong, its first visit to Asia, earlier this year over 500 delegates attended.

Helping to host the 2025 event will be ALOOH, the trade body representing Out of Home in the region. ALOOH  was formed in 2018 and both Gabriel Cedrone (ALOOH President) and Guillermo de Lella (ALOOH General Manager) are Vice Presidents on the WOO Board.

WOO President Tom Goddard says: "WOO is the only global media organisation that represents equally all main markets and it's right that we should now go to Latin America, a dynamic, rapidly-growing market in every respect.

"Mexico City is a fantastic venue and our 2025 Annual Congress will be a major stepping stone as we reinforce Out of Home's status as the most progressive and effective non-online global medium."

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