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Insights & Data
Campaign Middle East - DOOH you read me? Experts dissect the good, the bad, and the …

Beyond a dynamic, flexible, scalable, insight-focused, analytics-based, and precise targeted approach, DOOH is also revolutionising requirements for creativity, attention, and engagement. So, what’s the catch?

The drive towards DOOH (digital-out-of-home) is only getting busier by the day.

Unlike static OOH ads, the digital sibling, which promises a more dynamic, flexible, scalable, measurement-focused, analytics-based, and a precise targeted approach is gaining traction on the tarmac.

Niall Sallam, CEO of Elevision, said, “Real-time data and content updating capabilities enable brands to act on current trends and campaign performance, further refining their campaigns to capture and retain viewer attention more effectively than traditional static ads.”

Backlite Media’s COO James Harrison said, “Out-of-home ads utilise mobile device detection, sensors, and cameras to collect precise data on foot traffic and viewer engagement. This makes the data less susceptible to manipulation and provides a more accurate measure of ad performance. Advanced tools and third-party auditors ensure transparency and verification, confirming that ads are displayed in the specified locations and at the agreed-upon times.”

Beyond enhanced and impactful campaign performance through programmatic, DOOH is also squeezing the best out of marketers and advertisers by revolutionising requirements for creativity, attention, and engagement.

“The world of creative opportunities with DOOH is limitless with interactive features like QR codes, augmented reality experiences, as well as social media and brand activation integrations. These features enhance consumer interaction and experience, allowing for more immersive and engaging content,” Elevision’s Niall Sallam added.

BackLite Media’s James Harrison, echoed the sentiment saying, “Leveraging dynamic content that responds to real-time data like weather and local events, DOOH ensures advertisements are highly relevant and captivating. DOOH is setting a new standard in marketing by attracting, engaging, and leaving a lasting impression on its audience. Strategically placed in high-visibility locations, DOOH ads effortlessly capture attention. Personalising content using audience data makes these advertisements more memorable and impactful.”

James Harrison, Chief Operating Officer, BackLite Media DOOH
James Harrison, COO, BackLite Media

However, this creativity that captures attention comes with a rider: they must find a way to be more engaging and garner impressions without being overly distracting

Campaign Middle East spoke to Dr Abdullah Al-Shwaikh from the Outdoor Media Office, OOH Section at the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure, UAE, who said, “Let us talk about the biggest challenge faced by highways in dealing with digital advertisements, which is an awareness challenge related to the extent of advertisers’ commitment to and awareness of the safety conditions related to outdoor advertising.”

He explained, “On highways, where speeds typically exceed 120 km per hour, the technical conditions related to the size of the text, the colours used, and the speed of the advertisement display change. This is something that those working in the field need to pay attention to. There is no objection to the existence of digital billboards, but they must comply with the specifications to avoid causing any distraction to drivers and road users.”

That said, DOOH still makes its own case in terms of ROI and brand values.

While initial investments in digital infrastructure are higher, the long-term cost efficiency is significant. DOOH reduces the need for physical materials and labour associated with installing and rotating traditional billboards, resulting in lower operational costs.

In tandem, the shift to DOOH supports sustainability goals by reducing the carbon footprint of advertisements. Digital ads eliminate the need for printing and transportation of physical materials and offer quicker and more eco-friendly ways to update content.

Dr Abdullah Al-Shwaikh from the Outdoor Media Office, OOH Section at the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure, UAE DOOH
Dr Abdullah Al-Shwaikh from the Outdoor Media Office, OOH Section at the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure, UAE

Dr. Abdullah Al-Shwaikh added, “This includes less printing, fewer papers, reduced presence of equipment and machinery for billboard replacement, faster maintenance, among other benefits. I believe that with the decrease in the prices of digital billboards to less than $1,500 per square metre, more than 70 per cent of our billboards will be converted to digital billboards by the end of 2025.”

Clearly, OOH is transitioning towards DOOH, so much so that digital is set to capture 75 per cent of the OOH advertising market by 2027, according to IAB Compass findings.

Bill Fordyce, Chief Operating Officer – Media, ELAN Group, said, “The trends in OOH with launching new creative and dynamic campaigns has been positive over the past several years, with banks, QSRs, retail and automotive being the biggest users of dynamic campaigns. Digital now makes up more than 50 per cent of Elan Media’s overall revenue and continues to grow as we install new signs in the market and get new advertisers to spend on OOH.”

Elevision’s Niall Sallam, added, “This summer has been our busiest one yet across all networks, with a 30 per cent year-on-year growth from June last year, highlighting the significant growth of DOOH advertising in 2024. Advancements in programmatic buying and enhanced data analytics are driving more targeted and effective campaigns, further contributing to this upward trend.”

Bill Fordyce, Chief Operating Officer – Media, ELAN Group
Bill Fordyce, Chief Operating Officer – Media, ELAN Group

So, what could possibly deter this acceleration towards DOOH? While the medium is not as vulnerable to bots, it’s not completely free of malicious attacks either.

Dr Abdullah Al-Shwaikh cautioned, “A few days before this interview, there was a particular incident in Egypt that was covered by the media, where a group successfully took control of several billboards and displayed some ideas that opposed the official direction, much like the film ‘The Hunger Games’.”

He added, “Yes, we know that with every new technology, there are those who exploit the ‘immaturity’ of the system, so to speak. However, over time, matters, legislations, systems, and the security of systems develop to avoid negatives and risks. I believe there will be more secure systems in the future who will play a role in monitoring and maintaining the security of outdoor billboards, overseeing them, and setting up appropriate protective regulations for them. In the end, security is indivisible, and we should be grateful that we live in the safest country in the world on all levels.”

Niall Sallam, CEO of Elevision DOOH
Niall Sallam, CEO of Elevision

To take the conversation forward, Campaign Middle East also asked leaders about DOOH was addressing ad fraud – the act of delivering fake ad impressions, which seems to have skyrocketed over the past few years.

Elevision’s Niall Sallam said, “DOOH is combating ad fraud through the use of sophisticated technologies and transparent reporting systems. From attending various conferences this year, it is evident that collaborations between advertisers and tech companies are increasingly fostering a more secure and trustworthy advertising environment, significantly reducing the prevalence of fake ad impressions and other key metrics.”

Backlite Media’s James Harrison added, “DOOH programmatic platforms implement strict protocols and security measures to prevent fraud. These measures ensure that the ad inventory is genuine and that all transactions are transparent and traceable, enhancing the reliability and effectiveness of the advertising medium.”

Beyond preventing ad fraud, which digital ads are also working on, digital out-of-home has claimed bragging rights due to the lack of a ‘third party cookie on-off option’, as well as not being susceptible to skippable ads, ad blockers, or consumers simply scrolling past the digital ads … but we’ll get into the DOOH versus digital conversation another day.

All things considered, the future of DOOH still seem bright. Offering novel opportunities for creative storytelling informed by hard data, highly targeted advertising, while also creating avenues for climate-conscious, contextual, and purpose-driven advertising with real-time engagement, it is now setting new standards within a rapidly evolving region.


Insights & Data
Out of Home hits $41.9n USD, 5.2% of global adex. $45.3bn forecast for 2024

The 2024 WOO Expenditure survey captures expenditure globally for OOH across 2023 and give estimates of OOH expenditure for 2024. It is conducted by the use of a short form questionnaire to WOO members and OOH associations across the world and represents the most comprehensive survey of OOH expenditure globally.

Building on data for each year back to 2019, the WOO Global Expenditure survey allows us to track the effect of and recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic alongside local economic conditions and the investment into DOOH as it drives growth for OOH globally. Understanding these drivers of growth in particular markets allows WOO members and OOH Trade Associations to look to other markets for learnings to drive growth in their own markets.

The 2024 survey was completed by 109 members, covering 85 unique territories – collectively representing 95% of global GDP and 78% of global population. Unreported territories are modelled from similar territories based on population and GDP per capita where possible, or are excluded from the study.

Global OOH Spend in 2023 reached $41.9bn USD and represented 5,2% of global ADEX – breaking through the $40bn barrier, the 5% barrier and eclipsing the 2019 revenue figure of $36.3bn. OOH spend is forecast to grow to $45.3bn USD in 2024.

Regionally APAC dominates with almost half of global OOH spend at $20.2bn across 40% of global GDP. Europe reports $10.3bn revenue, 25% of the total in line with its share of global GDP. North America ($9.4bn), LATAM ($1.3bn) and Africa ($0.7bn) track behind their share of GDP - although expenditure reporting in Africa is more challenging and is likely to be under-reporting much of the informal economy.

Global DOOH expenditure rose to $16.7bn USD in 2023 representing almost 37% of all OOH revenues and remains the main driver of OOH revenue growth globally.

Investment in DOOH infrastructure varies across the world with Europe ahead of the global average at 39.2%, APAC just under the average at 36.1% North America at 32.9% , LATAM at 31% and Africa at 20.1% of total OOH revenues.

The ‘headroom’ for growth in DOOH is exemplified by territories that have invested heavily in DOOH screens – of the top 10 markets by overall OOH volume: Australia (76% of OOH revenue), UK (65%), Germany (41%), China (40%) and South Korea (40%); lead the way in driving growth through DOOH.

Programmatically traded DOOH grew to a reported total spend of $1.2bn USD globally, representing 8.1% of total DOOH revenues. Although this data is not captured commonly across all markets so may be under representative of the total revenue traded this way. We anticipate significant growth to this figure in the 2025 report through a combination of increasing market adoption and more comprehensive reporting programmatically traded revenue.

The World Out of Home Organization’s Global Expenditure Survey is only possible through the collaboration of our members from across the world, and we thank our membership for their contributions to this survey. Additional geographical granularity and data spanning from 2019-2024 is available to our members via the members area of our website.


Insights & Data
Campaign Middle East - We can DOOH more with data

We have observed a digital trend worldwide, which is also unfolding here. Through a market assessment and a deep understanding of the environmental factors, we have successfully installed industry-leading Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) screens capable of withstanding even the harshest conditions.

However, we recognise that digitisation alone isn’t enough. Hence, we’ve embedded data into our strategy. By partnering with Seventh Decimal and Admobilize, we can provide our clients with detailed reports encompassing play outs, impressions, reach, and frequency metrics.

We believe in harnessing the power of technology and Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) advertising to create exceptional experiences. This approach is reflected in our recent campaign for Amazon Prime Video at Dubai Festival City Mall. The Prime Video and Amazon Studios’ campaign for ‘Citadel’ fascinated mall visitors with its innovative use of technology.

The campaign dynamically identified and tracked hand movements in real-time by leveraging advanced hand detection and gesture recognition technology. This feature transformed the campaign artwork seamlessly, resulting in an immersive and interactive experience that delighted visitors. And it took home the Silver at the recent MMA Global Smarties MENA Awards 2024 in the DOOH category.

The evolving needs of our clients reflect a shift towards data-driven and results-oriented solutions. They seek improved audience targeting capabilities to ensure their messages resonate with the right individuals at the right moment.

This growing demand has spurred the emergence of Programmatic Digital Out-of-Home (PrDOOH), offering efficiency and flexibility to optimise campaigns on the fly. In pursuing PrDOOH excellence, we’ve established an ecosystem, BackLite 360, that seamlessly integrates comprehensive data sources and solutions. This enables us to cater to our clients at every stage of the marketing funnel, delivering targeted content with precision.

When discussing technology in this context, it’s impossible to ignore the pivotal role of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Its presence is not just a concept but a tangible reality within the OOH sector.

Through platforms like AdMobilize and Neurons, AI is revolutionising how we predict traffic flows, analyse content for enhanced creativity, and gauge real-time attention through eye tracking.

Integrating new technologies with OOH will propell the industry forward and revolutionise its landscape. The impact has been profound, from harnessing the power of data and AI to the advancements in LED screen technology.


Insights & Data
From Awareness to Action: Mastering Brand Reach

Lindsay Rapacchi, Research and Insight Director at Clear Channel Outdoor, in his session on “Outdoor’s Secret Superpower” at the WOO Global Congress in Hong Kong emphasised OOH advertising's strongest attribute: broadcast reach. He observed that many media professionals don't fully understand why reach is crucial. Over the past year, he says that he conducted informal research with over 100 media professionals, including planners and clients, to discover their reasons for valuing reach. The top responses were identified to be priming people, increasing awareness, driving brand fame, and selling more advertising. However, Lindsay believes the most critical reason was missed: brands with smaller market shares have fewer, less loyal buyers.

Leveraging Light Category Buyers

Illustrating this with the UK washing powder industry, where Persil leads with a 22% market share, Lindsay emphasised that a brand's success, like Persil's in the washing powder industry, is primarily due to its high market penetration, not loyalty. Market penetration, attracting more buyers, is believed to drive growth, rather than solely focusing on loyalty.

Lindsay highlights the importance of understanding buyer distribution curves, where most buyers fall into the light category, purchasing infrequently. He argued for a strategy targeting this large segment of light buyers rather than solely focusing on heavy buyers, as traditional approaches tend to do.

He criticised the neglect of light category buyers in media plans, which often prioritise niche audiences. He suggested integrating light category buyers into media planning to unlock OOH advertising's full potential, as different channels reach varying numbers of these buyers. By prioritising reach to attract more light buyers, brands can achieve significant growth. Lindsay's call to focus on light category buyers offers a fresh perspective on brand growth strategies and the importance of understanding market dynamics beyond loyalty.

The winning duo

Discussing a UK study involving over 40,000 consumers and 250,000 brand interactions, he revealed that OOH and TV were found to be the most effective pairing, increasing productivity by a factor of four. However, he cautioned against relying solely on this combination, emphasising the importance of using a variety of media channels. He highlighted the need for brands to align their customer base with the broader market, using OOH to reach underrepresented demographics. For example, brands should not over-target older consumers at the expense of younger ones.

Refining the Recipe of Reach

In his strategy presentation, Lindsay outlined a holistic approach to media planning, emphasising the importance of reach in OOH advertising. He rejected a highly targeted approach, asserting that OOH's strength lies in its ability to reach a broad audience. Lindsay's strategy begins with a focus on programmatic digital OOH, leveraging mobile data to target specific audience segments that over-index for the brand. Integrating with other media channels, including radio and addressable TV, further expand reach and reinforce brand messaging.

Lindsay applied the "duplication of purchase" law, targeting competitors' customers who are more likely to overlap with the brand's customer base.

He advocated for a dynamic media plan that adapts to different consumer behaviours and contexts, exemplified by programmatic ads tailored to specific weather conditions and time slots.

Lindsay underscored the importance of balancing reach with targeted messaging, leveraging empirical evidence and consumer behaviour insights to optimise brand growth. He emphasised the foundational role of broadcast reach in OOH advertising while integrating insights from the duplication of purchase law and category entry points to refine and enhance media planning strategies.



Insights & Data
The now, next, and wondrous future of OOH

In a captivating session at the WOO Global Congress in Hong Kong, Dino Burbidge, Innovation Consultant and CEO of Dinova, took the centre-stage to share his insights on the ever-evolving landscape of OOH advertising. Known for his unique approach to blending technology, creativity, and business acumen, Dino presented an engaging overview of the current state, upcoming trends, and futuristic possibilities in the OOH industry.

Setting the Scene: The Hype Curve

Dino kicked off his talk by introducing the concept of the Gartner Hype Curve, a model that maps out the journey of emerging technologies. The curve starts with an "innovation trigger," ascends to the "peak of inflated expectations," plunges into the "trough of disillusionment," rises up the "slope of enlightenment," and finally reaches the "plateau of productivity." He noted that many current technologies, such as generative AI and post-quantum cryptography, are riding high on this curve, while others like NFTs and Blockchain have experienced varying degrees of hype and disillusionment.

The Now: Technologies at the Plateau of Productivity

Focusing on technologies that have already reached the plateau of productivity, Dino highlighted four key examples:

  1. Roblox: With 71 million daily users and six million active at any given moment, Roblox is a significant platform for brands targeting younger demographics. Dino emphasised its role as a quasi-metaverse where brands can create immersive experiences and even leverage programmatic video advertising through virtual billboards.
  2. Sense of Smell in Gaming: Introducing a unique sensory dimension, technologies like the "Scent for Games" box can emit specific smells based on in-game events, enhancing the immersive experience for players. This innovation could be extended to various environments, including shopping malls and advertising spaces.
  3. Runway ML's Motion Brush: This AI tool allows for subtle animation within static images, enabling advertisers to create dynamic yet refined visual campaigns. By highlighting and animating specific areas of an image, brands can add a layer of engagement to their otherwise static content.
  4. Location-Based Loyalty Programmes: Technologies like FOBI enable brands to integrate loyalty programmes into digital wallets, triggering rewards based on proximity to certain locations. This creates opportunities for personalized and location-specific marketing campaigns, driving customer engagement and data collection.

The Next: Emerging Technologies and Trends

Looking ahead, Dino identified several technologies poised to impact the OOH industry:

  1. Gaussian Splatting: A breakthrough in 3D rendering, Gaussian Splatting involves creating scenes using "splats" in the air, which are computationally efficient and enable real-time rendering on low-power devices. This could revolutionise how 3D content is displayed in advertising.
  2. Apple Vision Pro: At $3,500, this augmented reality device demonstrates Apple's prowess in locking 3D scenes into real-world environments. Dino posed intriguing questions about the implications for advertising, where virtual billboards could compete with physical ones for viewer attention.
  3. OpenAI's Multi-Modal Models: As AI models evolve to handle text, video, code, and music, the potential for AI-generated content in advertising grows. Dino advised caution, recommending human oversight to ensure quality and relevance in AI-generated campaigns.
  4. Business Process Outsourcing via Video: Highlighting a novel approach, some companies are outsourcing customer service to remote operators via video calls. This could extend to personalised interactions in retail and advertising settings, offering 24/7 customer engagement.

The Wondrous Future: Pioneering Innovations

Concluding his session, Burbidge delved into futuristic concepts that could redefine OOH advertising:

  1. ChatDev: Utilising AI to autonomously develop software, this experiment demonstrates the potential for AI-driven project management and development. In the future, similar technologies could streamline the creation of advertising content and strategies.
  2. Wearable Screens: Inspired by the BMW car with colour-changing paint, personal screens integrated into clothing or accessories could display dynamic content based on the wearer's location and context, turning individuals into mobile advertising platforms.
  3. Adversarial Pixels: Addressing the ethical concerns of AI training, Dino discussed the idea of poisoning AI models with misleading data to protect proprietary content. This highlights the importance of safeguarding creative assets in an AI-dominated future.
  4. Robot Snails: A quirky yet practical innovation, these soft robotics can clean and maintain advertising displays, ensuring they remain pristine and engaging.

Dino's presentation at the WOO Global Congress was a thought-provoking journey through the current realities, emerging trends, and speculative future of OOH advertising. His insights underscored the dynamic nature of the industry and the endless possibilities that lie ahead.



Insights & Data
Robust OOH metrics key to transparency, trust, collaboration

In a compelling panel discussion titled "Measuring the World: The Pace Quickens" at the WOO Global Congress in Hong Kong with Media4Growth as its media partner, industry leaders from various countries shared their insights on the complexities and advancements in third-party data measurement. The panel, moderated by Gideon Adey, CEO of Gurooh, had as panel speakers Denise Turner, Chief Executive of ROUTE; Pawan Bansal, Chairman Indian Outdoor Advertising Association (IOAA); Mats Rönne, Chairman of the Outdoor Committee, Outdoor Impact, Sweden; and Charles Perry-Okeden, Independent Chair, Outdoor Media Association (OMA) and MOVE, Australia.

The session kicked off with an introduction to the panelists and their respective backgrounds. Denise Turner, who heads ROUTE, an out-of-home audience measurement service in the UK, emphasised upon the intricacies involved in the metrics’ operations. Despite her extensive experience in agencies, publishing, and marketing, she acknowledged the unique challenges in measuring OOH audiences. She highlighted ROUTE's commitment to expanding coverage to Northern Ireland, reflecting her dedication to comprehensive data collection.

Pawan Bansal provided a glimpse into India's vast and diverse market. He laid emphasis on the importance of scalable and affordable models to measure the 1.4 billion audience more definitively. He also highlighted the use of mobile data as a starting point, noting the complexities of ensuring data reliability and representativeness.

Mats Rönne from Sweden shared insights into the country's long-standing tradition of public data availability. He emphasised the importance of transparency and the need to measure people rather than devices. Rönne highlighted Sweden's robust system that integrates various data sources to ensure accuracy and reliability in audience measurement.

Charles Perry-Okeden provided an in-depth look at Australia's MOVE 2.0, a revolutionary advancement in audience measurement. MOVE 2.0, developed over five years, integrates over 100 data sources, creating a sophisticated activity-based model. This model tracks individuals' travel behaviour and calibrates the data with numerous datasets to provide a comprehensive view of audience movements. Charles stressed upon the importance of making complex data accessible and trustworthy, a sentiment echoed by other panelists.

Challenges and Innovations in Data Measurement

The discussion delved into the challenges of integrating multiple data sources. Denise pointed out that layering data correctly is crucial to avoid destabilising the entire measurement system. Transparency and rigorous evaluation of data sets are vital to maintaining the integrity of the measurement process.

Pawan explained India's method of cleaning mobile data to ensure it accurately represents the population. By dividing India into millions of hexagons, they track mobile movements to create a reliable panel. This meticulous process highlights the challenges of using mobile data as a primary source.

Role of Sensor Data

Sensor data was another critical topic discussed. Denise spoke about ROUTE's ongoing tests with various sensors to enhance volume counts and make data more contemporary. The sensors' ability to provide real-time data could revolutionise audience measurement, although the variability in sensor performance necessitates thorough testing and validation.

Charles discussed how MOVE 2.0 uses sensor data to calibrate volume counts and temporal profiles in environments like malls and airports. This integration helps create a more granular and accurate picture of audience behaviour.

Concluding Thoughts

The panel concluded with a consensus on the importance of transparency, trust, and collaboration in the evolving landscape of audience measurement. By incorporating diverse data sources and ensuring rigorous validation processes, the industry can provide reliable and actionable insights for media owners and advertisers alike.

As the world becomes increasingly data-driven, discussions like these underscore the necessity of continuous innovation and adaptation in audience measurement methodologies. The pace is indeed quickening, and the industry's leaders are at the forefront, navigating the complexities to deliver precise and trustworthy data.



Insights & Data
OAAA/Harris Poll Shows DOOH Surpasses Other Media

This week, the OAAA released compelling findings from a survey conducted by The Harris Poll on the efficacy of digital out of home (DOOH) advertising, showcasing its unparalleled ability to engage consumers. The study found a staggering 73% of consumers view DOOH ads favorably. Most notably, consumers ranked DOOH as the medium that would most drive them to take action, as 76% of recent DOOH ad viewers noted they had taken action because of a DOOH ad.

“Digital out of home not only captures consumers’ attention but also drives meaningful actions making it an indispensable tool for marketers seeking to engage and influence consumers,” said Anna Bager, President & CEO, OAAA. “Marketers are increasingly seeing the value of DOOH, and it is reflected in the growth DOOH is seeing. In fact, one-third of all OOH spend in 2023 was directed to DOOH and it is projected to grow another 10% this year alone. These survey results underscore the power of DOOH, which should keep it in the forefront of the marketing mix.”

Consumers Prefer and Take Action From DOOH
The study found that DOOH has emerged as the favored and most motivating medium for advertising when compared to competitive media, particularly among younger generations and urban dwellers, as well as those utilizing transit.

“Our findings show DOOH is a highly effective advertising medium that can be both striking and shareable,” says John Gerzema, CEO of The Harris Poll. “DOOH’s ability to drive consumers to take action is apparent, but when DOOH ad concepts are executed well, it can have a second life on social platforms as shareable content.”

An overwhelming 73% of consumers expressed a favorable view of DOOH ads, significantly surpassing other forms of ad media, such as television/video (50%), social media (48%), online (37%), audio (32%), and print (31%). In addition, the study found that 80% of consumers are likely to take action after seeing DOOH ad content they deem entertaining (creative, clever, or humorous) or visually appealing (vibrant or bold). Similarly, 71% reported a likelihood to share DOOH ads that feature their favorite products or brands.

Notably, DOOH demonstrated its potency in driving consumer action, with 76% of respondents indicating that DOOH ads had recently prompted them to take action. The most frequent actions generated by DOOH ads included: watching video programming (38%), restaurant visitation (36%), in-store purchasing (30%), word-of-mouth conversations (30%), and store visitation (29%).

Furthermore, the study illuminated the symbiotic relationship between DOOH and mobile. It found that an astounding 74% of mobile device users reported taking action on their mobile devices following recent exposure to DOOH ads, with actions ranging from online searches about advertisers (44%) to direct visits to advertiser websites (38%) and social media platforms (30%).

DOOH Increases Store Traffic and Impacts Purchasing Decisions
As businesses seek innovative ways to stand out in a competitive marketplace, The Harris Poll study found that directional DOOH advertising offers a clear pathway to increased foot traffic, heightened brand visibility, enhanced customer engagement, and increased sales.

The study found that 30% of consumers have recently noticed such ads providing directions to businesses, and a significant 51% of those who noticed directional DOOH ads subsequently visited the advertised business. More strikingly, of those who visited the business after noticing a directional DOOH ad, an overwhelming 93% completed a purchase, highlighting the tangible business outcomes generated by DOOH ads.

An Overwhelming Majority of Consumers Find Contextual DOOH Useful
The study uncovered that dynamic ad content featuring product deals or offers, such as those tailored to current weather conditions or time-specific discounts, are instrumental in capturing consumer attention and spurring action.

A remarkable 86% of consumers rate ads with special deals on groceries as useful, while 84% of consumers deem the same for ads featuring special deals at restaurants. Weather-responsive advertising also emerges as a game-changer, with 81% of respondents finding ads with product offers related to current weather conditions, like temperature or precipitation, highly relevant and useful.

Furthermore, time-sensitive promotions resonate strongly with consumers, with 80% rating ads featuring time-specific offers on food menus and beverages, or special deals on clothing, shoes, or accessories, as useful.

“Dynamic DOOH advertising represents a paradigm shift in the way brands connect with consumers, offering unparalleled flexibility and relevance,” said Bager. “By delivering hyper-targeted contextual messaging that aligns with consumers’ interests and needs, advertisers can create immersive experiences that resonate deeply and drive tangible results, all while leveraging the power of location to enhance engagement and deliver messages in precisely the right place at the right time.”


Insights & Data
Data: Just 3 seconds of OOH attention can improve results by 26%

New findings from a study looking into the impact of OOH on attention reveal that participants’ attention increased with each exposure to a specific ad.

The study from Group M, OOH, Lumen and media owners, found that just three seconds of attention led to a 26% increase in metrics such as brand recognition across five household brands measured.

Longer amounts of attention were also critical for driving lower-funnel metrics (directed at those who show potential to buy), such as consideration, which saw a 6% increase after three seconds.

In order to conduct the test, Lumen used cutting edge eye-tracking technology on a representative sample of 900 UK adults.

“This research not only enriches our understanding of attention dynamics in OOH but also provides actionable insights to optimise campaign strategies and drive tangible results for brands looking to enhance campaigns right through the sales funnel,” said GroupM OOH insights director Sarah Harding.

In the study, participants were immersed in video simulations of bustling environments like Birmingham’s Bullring shopping centre and London’s Liverpool Street Station, before being exposed to varying frequencies of OOH adverts.

Planners can utilise the findings by selecting the right combination of formats and strategy, and changing creative to suit different OOH environments.

Creatives are then able to leverage the insights to further improve effectiveness by implementing small but impactful adjustments, for example by packaging messaging into easily digestible chunks, using contrasting colours or incorporating elements like subtle motion.

The report also recommends incorporating 3D, interactive or longer copy in order to aid brand storytelling. “Lumen’s mission is to turn attention into action,” said Lumen managing director Mike Follett.

“We were excited to take part in this ground-breaking study that brings frequency into play for the first time to understand the impact multiple ad exposures has on metrics, memory and – most important – purchase intent.”


Insights & Data
Outdoor Advertising: Myth vs Fact

Myth: Outdoor advertising is tired, stagnant and archaic.
Fact: It’s one of the most dynamic ways of reaching your target audience.

Here’s why:

Real-time content updates: Show me another advertising model that can detect weather patterns, audience demographics, foot traffic - and then adjust the content accordingly in real time.

→ Dynamic, interactive, creative: DOOH screens offer dynamic creative capabilities, which in turn offers marketers the freedom to play with new mediums and formats.

→ Data driven messaging: DOOH is sensitive to its surroundings and audience. I recently posted about how Tesco used DOOH during the month of Ramadan to target and celebrate its Muslim customers (genius!)

Still not convinced? Send us a message and let's chat.


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