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Discover opportunities for retail brands to utilise DOOH in winning marketing strategies

As DOOH continues to prove its efficiency and success, it is also taking a bigger slice of marketer’s advertising budgets. Retail businesses operate in a fast-paced industry, continually striving to outshine competitors and attract their target customers. Continued innovation in DOOH offers a game-changing opportunity for retailers to revamp their marketing strategies, utilising dynamic content, precise targeting and real-time optimisation to engage consumers at every stage of their purchasing journey.

The first thing to consider in order to drive successful results, is selecting the right location. The top DOOH screens come in various formats, offering unique opportunities to engage audiences at the right time:

- Large Format Billboards: Dominant in cityscapes and along highways, these screens offer high visibility and can reach a broad audience at scale.

- Street Furniture:
Including bus shelters, kiosks, and digital stands, these are often found in urban areas and appear in close proximity to consumers.

- Place-Based Screens:
Located in high-traffic venues such as gyms, elevators, office buildings and transit stations, these screens capture the attention of consumers in various daily contexts, seamlessly integrating into the customer journey.

- Points of Sale: Positioned within stores, malls, and convenience stores, these screens influence purchasing decisions in the moments that matter most.

Once the location strategy has been decided, retail brands can leverage programmatic DOOH technology to achieve a wide range of marketing objectives. Advertisers can choose to promote specific products or offers to encourage purchases both in physical stores and online, or activate a campaign to increase in-store visits. British high-street fashion brand New Look was able to drive a 73% increase in footfall traffic to their stores by leveraging programmatic DOOH’s location-based targeting to promote their new Autumn/Winter collection.

Similarly, multinational athletic apparel retailer, lululemon, chose to utilise custom audience targeting to develop ads tailored to specific customer segments in order to promote two of their core products - shorts and performance leggings - around relevant environments in Germany. Not only did this strategy result in an increase of in-store traffic, but post-measurement analysis recorded an impressive 640% increase in brand image and 208% increase in brand interest. Programmatic technology is breaking down the barriers of what is possible in the DOOH space. The opportunity to improve brand consideration and brand recall is no longer confined to the screens in our hands and in our homes, but also out in the world.

To maximise the effectiveness of DOOH campaigns, retail brands should also consider the following strategies:

  1. Dynamic Creative Optimisation: Use real-time data such as stock information, seasonal sales discounts, and geographic store locations to customise ads to relevant audiences. Campaign creative can dynamically display available products and direct customers to the closest store.
  2. Predefined Audience Targeting: Utilise predefined criteria to target specific audiences such as “shopping enthusiasts” effectively, ensuring your ads reach those most likely to convert.
  3. Competitor Store Visitors: Focus on attracting customers who have recently visited competitor stores by highlighting unique selling points and offers that differentiate your brand.
  4. Retargeting: Reinforce your message by engaging with users who have interacted with your ads on other channels. This can create a cohesive brand experience and drive higher conversion rates.

By leveraging the diverse formats and advanced targeting capabilities of DOOH, brands can effectively drive sales, increase foot traffic, and build stronger connections with their audiences. As technology continues to advance, the potential for DOOH in retail marketing will only grow, making it an essential component of any comprehensive marketing plan.


To learn more about BackLite Media's retail media marketing networks, visiti The Retail Collective

BackLite Media Partners with VIOOH to Bring Programmatic Digital Out-of-Home to the Middle East

BackLite Media, a leading out-of-home (OOH) advertising company in the UAE, is proud to announce an exciting new partnership with VIOOH, a leading premium global digital out-of-home (DOOH) supply-side platform. This partnership marks VIOOH's first entry into the Middle East's DOOH market and represents a significant milestone for both companies as they expand their regional influence.


VIOOH, with its advanced technology platform and global footprint, seamlessly connects buyers and sellers in the DOOH space, offering a streamlined programmatic advertising experience. Through this partnership, advertisers worldwide will access BackLite Media's premium inventory across Dubai and Abu Dhabi, unlocking the potential to reach residents and the UAE's ever-growing tourism population.


“This partnership is another great market addition to VIOOH’s real-time trading offering across programmatic DOOH. We know there is significant interest, both within the local market as well as overseas, for inventory in this region, and are pleased to partner with BackLite to provide opportunities for advertisers to take advantage of the flexibility and data-driven nature of programmatic DOOH,” said Gavin Wilson, Chief Customer and Revenue Officer at VIOOH.


"We are excited to partner with VIOOH and bring their expertise in programmatic DOOH to the Middle East," Sean Gadsby, Head of Programmatic at BackLite Media. "This collaboration will open new doors for global advertisers looking to tap into the dynamic UAE market through our high-quality digital screens across Dubai and Abu Dhabi. At BackLite, we are thrilled to capitalise on VIOOH's extensive global reach, allowing us to position our premium inventory on a larger scale."


This strategic partnership empowers global advertisers to plan and purchase BackLiteMedia's extensive Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) inventory, featuring over 300 digital screens across the UAE. BackLite Media boasts prime locations along Dubai's busiest road, Sheikh Zayed Road, and a vast indoor and outdoor screen network in prominent malls and destinations across Dubai and Abu Dhabi. This provides advertisers with highly targeted audience options, reaching commuters, global tourists, residents, and shoppers.


Through programmatic buying, advertisers can benefit from enhanced flexibility, precision targeting, and improved efficiency, ensuring maximum impact and engagement.


As the UAE continues to evolve as a leading destination for tourists and business travellers, this partnership comes at an opportune moment, providing brands with the opportunity to engage with a diverse and affluent audience.


Through this collaboration, BackLite Media and VIOOH are poised to transform the DOOH landscape in the Middle East, providing brands with powerful new ways to connect with consumers in a rapidly growing market.

As Google works to eliminate third-party cookies, first-party data is going to be more important than ever

With third-party cookies disappearing, Dayna Lang, Content Writer at illumin, shares how to use first-party data for stronger targeting strategies in a post-cookie world.

Third-party cookies are being phased out by major browsers like Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, leaving many marketers at a loss. How can marketers pivot and build stronger, more resilient targeting strategies in a post-cookie world? In finding their footing, marketers need to lean on first-party data to understand customers and effectively target audiences.

Marketers have known about Google’s goodbye plans for third-party cookies since 2018 when GDPR was enacted in the European Union. Marketers have spent the years since building out new strategies. First-party data is a critical part of those strategies.

Procrastination is easy when developing post-cookie strategies, especially since Google continues to delay its cookie deadlines. While the extension is appreciated, giving marketers and industry regulators more time to provide feedback solutions doesn’t prevent the inevitable.

Marketers should be moving full-speed ahead on their post-cookie plans. First-party cookies provide a critical tool for marketers looking to provide privacy-compliant media in a post-cookie era.

First-party data refers to data collected directly from customers. Unlike third-party cookies, first-party data relies on users’ consent. This data is held in high esteem for a good reason. Since data is collected firstly from users, it is reliable and easy to manage. It is also cost-effective and highly accurate.

This data can also be used to effectively target audiences in the real world through out-of-home advertising. Advancements in OOH technology let brands easily create effective, targeted campaigns using first-party data.

One way brands can do this is by using first-party data to understand where and when users shop (ie: audiences’ shopping at a certain time of year). Brands can then plan their media around this time frame and location to effectively target and engage their audience.

In a post-cookie world, first-party data will be the gold standard. It fills a necessary data gap while respecting user consent and privacy. It’s no wonder why Advertiser Perceptions lists it as the number one type of data used for transactions.

Customers are happy to share their data with you – for a price

Collecting first-party data requires trust, privacy, and customer value. According to a study by BCG, 90% of consumers will share personal information given a valuable incentive. This can look like tailored discounts, streamlined processes, downloadable content, or personalised experiences. So long as marketers provide something of value, gathering first-party data is relatively easy.

Something marketers need to maintain to leverage first-party data is trust. The basis of the cookie issue has always been customer privacy. This makes consumer consent a primary concern for all data use going forward.

Google’s decision to eliminate third-party cookies was the culmination of years of effort to advocate for user consent and privacy. The goal isn’t to inconvenience marketers but to empower consumers to control where and when their information is gathered, shared, and used. By prioritising consent and data security at all times, marketers can ensure their strategies will outlast any future privacy protection measures.

That’s why first-party data fits so perfectly within a post-cookie strategy. First-party data hinges on user trust and consent. As the digital world adapts to the loss of third-party cookies, first-party information fills a gap and gives marketers tools to target users and tailor content to reach customers where it matters most.

4 Reasons Why Is DOOH Audience Measurement So Important

Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) advertising has become increasingly popular in recent years, offering brands a powerful way to reach consumers in public spaces. However, to maximise the effectiveness of DOOH campaigns, it is crucial to accurately measure the audience that is being impacted. In this blog post, we will explore why DOOH audience measurement is so important and how it can benefit advertisers and media owners alike.

1. Targeted Advertising

Accurate audience measurement allows advertisers to target their campaigns more effectively. By understanding the demographics, interests, and behaviors of the people who are exposed to their DOOH ads, advertisers can create more relevant and engaging content. This leads to higher engagement rates, increased brand awareness, and ultimately, better return on investment (ROI). Although is always important to keep in mind the nature of this channel, and it’s One-To-Many approach.

2. Optimisation and Reporting

DOOH audience measurement provides valuable data that can be used to optimise campaigns in real-time. By monitoring audience metrics such as impressions, dwell time, and engagement rates, advertisers can adjust their campaigns to maximise their impact. This data is also essential for reporting purposes, allowing advertisers to demonstrate the effectiveness of their DOOH campaigns to stakeholders and clients.

3. Pricing and Revenue Generation

For media owners, accurate audience measurement is crucial for pricing DOOH inventory and generating revenue. By providing reliable data on the size and composition of their audience. Media owners can set competitive prices for their advertising space and attract more advertisers to their platforms. This data also helps media owners demonstrate the value of their DOOH network to potential advertisers. Making it easier to secure deals and generate revenue.

4. Industry Standardisation

The importance of DOOH audience measurement has led to the development of industry standards and guidelines. Organisations such as the Out of Home Advertising Association of America (OAAA) and the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) have established best practices and guidelines for measuring DOOH audiences. By adhering to these standards, advertisers and media owners can ensure that their audience data is reliable, consistent, and comparable across different DOOH platforms and networks.

In conclusion, DOOH audience measurement is essential for the success of DOOH advertising campaigns. By providing accurate and actionable data on the size, composition, and behaviour of DOOH audiences, advertisers can create more targeted and effective campaigns, while media owners can generate more revenue and demonstrate the value of their DOOH networks. As the DOOH industry continues to grow and evolve, the importance of audience measurement will only increase, making it a critical component of any successful DOOH strategy.

doohx - OOH's First Online Learning Platform

Where once we went to school and got certified with degrees designed to last our careers, the rapid evolution of technology takes what was mainstream practice one year and renders it irrelevant the next—or sooner.

This is especially true in an industry like OOH. The evolution from static to digital, the widespread adoption of programmatic trading, and now the integration of AI has changed virtually every aspect of how inventory is traded. This is undoubtedly for the better, but it also brings some very real challenges to the market.

Rapid upskilling is needed for seasoned OOH experts to master programmatic trading, gain a broader understanding of omnichannel planning, and move away from the more 'manual' processes that have kept outdoor advertising siloed for so long.

For those coming from a digital space, where programmatic trading is the norm, this robust medium – and its many intricacies – must be understood to buy inventory effectively. Impressions mean different things in different formats, audience measurement is not an exact science, and attribution can be tricky unless you know what OOH advertising brings to your overall campaign strategy.

Yet, until three years ago, there was only one independent, global, market, or player-agnostic education platform for OOH. Static learning was not enough to keep up with an ever-evolving industry – so at doohx, we decided to make OOH learning dynamic.

Fast-forward to 2024, and we have five certifications currently available—complete certifications in PDOOH 101, DOOH 101, and PDOOH Advanced, and specialist mini-certifications in PDOOH for Buyers and PDOOH for Publishers—and our latest course, Static OOH.

In addition, we release short-form educational content, house case studies and platform demonstrations, and share insights from experts worldwide to create a single source of knowledge in OOH for anyone willing to learn. And it's all available in your pocket via the doohx app.

Knowledge is power, and as the industry's landscape continues to shift towards automation, in-depth data integrations, unlimited creativity, and insight-infused targeting, static education is dead. Dynamic learning is the future.

For more information on the platform, visit: https://www.doohx.io/pages/membership

Out of Home Advertising Drives Significant ROI Gains Through Incremental Budget Reallocation

A new study released by the Out of Home Advertising Association of America (OAAA) finds that slight reallocations of existing media budgets to Out of Home (OOH) advertising can lead to substantial gains in return on ad spend (ROAS) and key brand metrics.

“These findings reveal the powerful role OOH plays in the current media mix and demonstrate that OOH has been an under-invested media channel,” said Anna Bager, President and CEO of OAAA. “OOH performs well throughout the consumer funnel, and the analysis shows how brands can leverage that power by shifting just a few percentage points of their media allocation to OOH and generate impressive returns on their investment.”

Benchmarketing, a strategic marketing effectiveness consultancy and part of the Omnicom Media Group, employed advanced econometric modeling to assess the impact of incremental OOH budget increases on ROAS and key brand metrics in three sectors: Automotive, CPG Food, and Retail Grocery.

Entitled Media Plan Optimization: Analysis of Incremental Increase to OOH Share, the report finds that, without increasing existing media plan budgets for the Automotive, CPG Food and Retail Grocery categories, marketers can significantly increase their overall ROI on ROAS and key brand metrics such as awareness, consideration, and purchase intent, by increasing budget allocation to OOH by just a few percentage points, and decreasing allocation to media channels that are overspent beyond the point of optimization, typically  TV and digital.

The research supports a measured, incremental approach to budget reallocation. By applying small, strategic increases to OOH spending, advertisers can achieve near-optimal media performance without making drastic changes to or increasing their overall budget allocations. Notably, the study found that the initial incremental increase in OOH generated the largest portion of the total media plan optimized revenue and gain in brand metric scores.

The report provides an in-depth analysis of how incremental reallocations to OOH affect campaign performance, including the below key insights.

Modeling Analysis: Budget Shifts to OOH Yield High ROAS Gains

  • Automotive: An increase of OOH allocation from 1% to 2% in the Automotive vertical can lead to an overall media plan revenue gain of $52.1 million or 75% of the total optimization improvement.
  • Retail Grocery: An increase of OOH allocation from 8% to 14% in the Retail Grocery vertical can lead to an overall media plan revenue gain of $16.04 million or 61% of the total optimization improvement.
  • CPG Food: An increase of OOH allocation from 5% to 6% in the CPG Food vertical can lead to an overall media plan revenue gain of $2.42 million or 70% of the total optimization improvement.

As the advertising landscape continues to evolve, OOH is an increasingly critical channel for impacting consumer behavior throughout the funnel by driving increased sales, brand awareness, consideration, and purchase intent. Marketers are encouraged to leverage the insights from this study to optimize their media plans, enabling greater effectiveness and return on investment.

For more information about specific category spend, please contact Cassady Nordeen at cassady@purposenorthamerica.com.

About the Out of Home Advertising Association of America (OAAA)

The Out of Home Advertising Association of America (OAAA) is the national trade association for the entire out of home (OOH) advertising industry. OAAA represents over 850 members, including leading media companies, advertisers, agencies, ad-tech providers, and suppliers. OOH media includes billboards, street furniture, transit, place-based media, and digital formats (DOOH) across every sector of the channel. OAAA is the unifying voice for the industry, the authoritative thought leader, and the passionate advocate for advancing OOH advertising in the United States. The legislative unit of OAAA advocates for the responsible growth of OOH with federal, state, and local governments. OAAA-member media companies donate over $500 million annually in public service advertising. Founded in 1891, OAAA is headquartered in Washington, DC, with offices in New York City. For more information, visit https://oaaa.org.

The MENA Power List 2024: Embracing change fearlessly in light of AI and innovation

TITLE: Chief Executive Officer, BackLite Media

15 years

23 years


As leaders in outdoor advertising, we face a pivotal moment where change is inevitable and essential. The rapid integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and other cutting-edge technologies is transforming the industry, challenging us to rethink how we approach our craft.

At BackLite Media, we believe in fearlessly embracing this change – not just as a necessity but as an opportunity to lead the market through this exciting evolution. We see ourselves as drivers of innovation but, more importantly, as leaders guiding our teams and partners through this transformative journey.

AI is reshaping the advertising landscape in profound ways. The days of traditional billboards are behind us, replaced by dynamic, data-driven campaigns that can adapt in real-time. With AI, we can analyse vast amounts of data to deliver personalised, context-aware content that speaks directly to the viewer. This shift requires not just technological advancement but a mindset that embraces possibility and is unafraid of the unknown.

At BackLite, we’ve adopted AI as a cornerstone of our strategy, harnessing its potential to create smarter, more impactful campaigns. For luxury brands, this means elevating the consumer experience, offering bespoke messages that align perfectly with the brand’s ethos and the audience’s desires.

Leading through this change means guiding our teams, clients, and partners to understand that AI is not something to fear but a powerful tool that can enhance creativity and drive results.

“The ability to adapt, pivot and innovate without hesitation is critical. We are not just reacting – we are shaping the future.”

Our recent acquisition by Multiply Group is a testament to our commitment to this vision. As part of a larger ecosystem, BackLite Media is now positioned to take bolder steps in transforming outdoor advertising in the region. This gives us the strength and resources to not only innovate but to do so on a scale that influences the entire industry.

Being part of a bigger vision means aligning ourselves with a strategy that goes beyond short-term gains. We are building for the future, and that requires leading our people through change with confidence and purpose. The ability to adapt, pivot and innovate without hesitation is critical. We are not just reacting – we are shaping the future. We are bringing our clients and partners along on this journey, helping them navigate the evolving landscape of AI, data-driven marketing, and immersive experiences.

Our role as leaders is to balance technological innovation with human-centred creativity, ensuring that every step forward enhances our ability to connect with audiences on a deeper level.

The outdoor advertising industry is at a crossroads, and the only way forward is through fearless change. For regional players, the challenge is not just about adopting new technologies – it’s about embracing the mindset that comes with it. It’s about being willing to disrupt traditional models, question the status quo, and take risks that push the industry into new territory.

At BackLite Media, we have chosen to lead with courage. We are not afraid of the changes happening around us; instead, we are driving those changes. From AI-powered Programmatic campaigns to the integration of sustainable practices, we are setting a new standard for what outdoor advertising can achieve.



Having been deeply involved in BackLite Media’s acquisition by Multiply Group, I had the unique opportunity to contribute to building a regional out-of-home (OOH) powerhouse. One of the key achievements during this journey was the creation of The Triple Crown Abu Dhabi, the only premium digital out-of-home (DOOH) format in the Emirate. This exceptional platform has successfully hosted luxury brands and received widespread praise from our clients, solidifying our position in the industry.



Focus for the next 12 months?

Growth and innovation.

Buzzword we need to kill?


Marketing needs to prioritise?

Customer experience.

Marketing needs to change?

Quantity over quality content.

Top lesson learnt in 2024?

Adaptability wins and embrace change early.

What worries you the most?

Regulatory changes.

Biggest blessing in your life?

My family.

Value/principle that matters the most?


Next travel destination?

The Seychelles.

What is your pet peeve?


Who do you look up to?

My wife.

Favourite restaurant in the Middle East?

LPM. Just wonderful food and wonderful service.

What are you reading?

The Wealth Money Can’t Buy’ by Robin Sharma.

Favourite hobby?


Top tip?

Do what you promise.

Celebrating 3 Years of the Iconic Triple Crown

What started as a bold vision has become a defining symbol of Dubai's skyline and a game-changer in out-of-home advertising.

The Triple Crown, part of The Landmark Series, has transformed how brands engage with their audience, blending cutting-edge technology with architectural brilliance.

We reflect on the journey that brought us here—how The Triple Crown has redefined outdoor advertising possibilities, impacted the industry, and where we're headed next. Watch the video to hear from our leadership about the vision, innovation, and exciting future.

The location of The Triple Crown in Dubai near Mall of the Emirates ensures maximum exposure for premium brands, as the screens are visible to thousands of vehicles daily. This prime positioning guarantees that advertising messages will significantly impact brand awareness and engagement. The high-resolution displays showcase every advertisement with stunning clarity and brilliance.

Creativity is the key to unlocking the power of DOOH

Creativity is the key to unlocking the potential of Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) advertising by revolutionising our urban landscapes with dynamic and engaging content, messaging and activations. Of course, I would say this... I've spent the last 20 years of my professional life devoted to ensuring this is the case. However, it's important to note that it's only possible with the perfect synergy between the media and creative worlds.What good is the world's best DOOH campaign if the intended audience doesn't see/care/act?


By merging innovative concepts with technology, DOOH has transformed boring old static billboards into interactive opportunities, a chance to engage with consumers like never before, to excite, entertain, inform, interact, and communicate. The world's oldest medium is arguably the most trusted and rewarding for brands to play with creatively as part of the modern marketing mix.


Creative content that captivates audiences by leveraging location-based targeting and real-time data to deliver relevant messages is a real game changer for OOH and has been made possible through the investment that media owners worldwide have made in on-the-ground technology and screens.


Data-driven dynamic creative can ensure your campaign is always relevant to OOH audiences at given times. In some circles, this is known as Dynamic Creative Optimisation or DCO, aligning itself with the online world. We talk about this technique internally as AMM –Audience + Moment = Message. Who's around, what factors might affect them, and how or what should we communicate with them?


Whether immersive storytelling to gamification, augmented reality, anamorphic content, CGI, technology or technique-driven, creative executions can help elevate brand visibility, drive consumer engagement, and improve effectiveness on DOOH screens.  


Creativity in the DOOH media space helps campaigns transcend traditional advertising boundaries, it amplifies brand narratives and helps foster memorable connections between brands and consumers. It's the catalyst for transforming urban environments into dynamic canvases, where brands come alive to leave lasting impressions on audiences worldwide.


There's a quote I love to use from one of the most decorated creative advertising people in the world Mark Tutsell, who I interviewed on my Behind the Billboard podcast:


"Think of the streets as your stage and your goal is to earn a standing ovation."



ABOUT:  Grand Visual

Grand Visual is a unique, global production agency providing creative and production services for Out Of Home. They craft compelling OOH activations, shaped around audiences, locations and mindsets using various creative techniques; joining the dots between brands, agencies and media owners to activate creative Out of Home campaigns in the real world. 

Grand Visual has been operating in and helping define the OOH channel for almost twenty years and became part of Talon through acquisition in 2019.

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