
The Key Benefits of Programmatic DOOH Advertising

The Key Benefits of Programmatic DOOH Advertising

Programmatic Digital Out-of-Home, or programmatic DOOH or PrDOOH, refers to the automated buying and selling of digital out-of-home (DOOH) ad placements. This method has been the talk of the OOH industry in the UAE for years now. The process enables advertisers to target specific locations where their target audience frequents throughout the day, creating a cohesive and engaging brand journey.

The programmatic digital out-of-home (DOOH) industry in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has increased. This growth can be attributed to its resemblance to online media platforms. At BackLite Media, we have played a leading role in this evolution. Many brands have succeeded by incorporating DOOH into their overall out-of-home (OOH) advertising strategy. The programmatic digital out-of-home (DOOH) industry in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has increased. This growth can be attributed to its resemblance to online media platforms.

At BackLite Media, we have played a leading role in this evolution. Many brands have succeeded by incorporating DOOH into their overall out-of-home (OOH) advertising strategy.

Here are six key benefits of integrating programmatic DOOH into your media mix:

  • More Creative Opportunities: Dynamic creative capabilities allow ads to adapt to their surroundings dynamically. Whether displaying nearby store locations or integrating live countdowns, this feature personalises the ad experience for viewers, increasing engagement and relevance.

  • Fast Campaign Launches: Programmatic DOOH enables swift upload, scheduling, and launch of ad campaigns within the same day. This agility is essential in today's fast-paced consumer environment, allowing brands to capitalise on timely opportunities and maintain relevance.

  • Enhanced Targeting: Programmatic DOOH allows precise targeting of consumers at the right moments. For instance, ads can be tailored to commuters during their morning journeys or promote health products to gym enthusiasts as they enter fitness centres. This targeted approach increases audience interest and engagement, leading to higher conversion rates.

  • Higher Brand Exposure: Combining captivating creatives with contextual relevance enhances brand visibility and recall among consumers. The high-impact screens of programmatic DOOH attract the attention of a significant percentage of passersby each month. Features like dynamic content and video amplify brand messaging, making it memorable and impactful.

  • Real-time Optimisations: The ability to adapt to trends and breaking news in real-time sets programmatic DOOH apart. Monitoring campaign performance and adjusting strategies on the fly based on data insights improves campaign effectiveness and ROI. This data-driven approach ensures that advertising efforts remain responsive and impactful.

  • Reliable Metrics and Measurement: Our Programmatic DOOH provides robust measurement capabilities thanks to our data partners like Admobilize and Seventh Decimal. This includes analysing foot traffic patterns, conducting brand studies, and evaluating online engagement metrics. These insights facilitate campaign optimisation and performance evaluation.

Programmatic DOOH combines offline and online advertising strategies, offering enhanced targeting, flexibility, real-time optimisation, and measurable results. As the advertising landscape evolves, programmatic DOOH is positioned as a vital tool for brands to connect with their audiences effectively and meaningfully.

Sean Gadsby
Head of Programmatic
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